Website Hosting


A website needs somewhere to live for it to be found online. I will do all the heavy lifting to make sure it is always there!


Package One

This pricing is what is included if you want to have the website fully taken care of by David Gillert. In the first package you will own the domain name, code, and database data attached to this website. Plus, you will also receive 40 hours of free coding. The server and account are owned and operated by David Gillert which will not allow you backdoor access to the server itself.
Product Charge Rate Unit Unit Price Subtotal
Design Consultation Anytime 1 $0.00 $0.00
Domain Name ~ Yearly 1 $17.99 $17.99
Domain Protection, Security, SSL Certificate Yearly 1 $109.98 $109.98
Office 365 Business Premium – Per User (optional) Yearly 1 $107.88 $107.88
Free Web Design Coding until 40 Hours Coded Once 40 $0.00 $0.00
Web Design Coding Cost * Hourly 0 $20.00 $0.00
Server Maintenance and Upkeep Monthly 12 $15.00 $180.00
Total $415.85

Package Two

Here in the second package you will own everything associated with your website. I will setup and configure your website hosting server & account and give you your username and password to go in and change whatever you want within the account.
Product Charge Rate Unit Unit Price Subtotal
Design Consultation Anytime 1 $0.00 $0.00
Domain Name ~ Yearly 1 $17.99 $17.99
Domain Protection, Security, SSL Certificate Yearly 1 $109.98 $109.98
Office 365 Business Premium – Per User (optional) Yearly 1 $107.88 $107.88
Hosting Server Yearly 1 $239.76 $239.76
Server Setup Once 1 $50.00 $50.00
Web Design Coding Cost * Hourly 10 $20.00 $200.00
Total $725.61

Transfer Package One to Package Two

If down the road you want to transfer your website to an account that you own, ie second package, this is what it is going to cost to transfer all of the Data, Settings, Domain, Domain Protection, Security, and SSL Certificate to the new account.
Product Charge Rate Unit Unit Price Subtotal
Hosting Server Yearly 1 $239.76 $239.76
Server Setup Once 1 $100.00 $100.00
Web Design Coding Cost * Hourly 0 $20.00 $0.00
Total $339.76


For this project to move forward you will need to provide anything that you would think that would be needed to be seen on the website. These things would include pictures, mission statement, about us information, contact us information, billing info, your business logo, preferred colors for your business, and what you want as a layout for the webpage. You can change these things at any time while I am working on this project or servicing it.

Anything in the packages that are under the ‘Charge Rate’ section labeled as Once or Yearly are upfront costs and will need to be paid before the project is started.

Hourly rate

I charge $20 a hour to code a website.

Web Design

If you are looking to have your website coded or hvae other questions check out Web Design.


~ Domain name price contingent on what the value of purchase of it is worth, prices may vary. If you already have the domain name purchased, special plans will need to be made.
* The website coding cost units that are shown are a placeholder and the actual hours required maybe more than this, because of that in the final quote you will be required to note and sign the maximum hours requested.

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